Create Your Category

I've reviewed hundreds and hundreds of startup pitches over the years. While the formats can vary, most conform to a predictable sequence that has been hammered into ethos by the VC community.

Despite this constraint, there is still ample room to be creative and stand out. Sadly, many entrepreneurs and founding teams fail to exploit this. Perhaps no slide in the investor deck personifies this missed opportunity more than the market slide.

Smart investors aren't interested in backing startups entering already crowded spaces where first-mover competition has already received funding. What they want to invest in is the next great thing that no one else is focused on.

The market slideA former boss who I greatly respect, impressed upon me the need to create your market and proclaim yourself as the leader.

This is not to say one should be blind to the competition. Investors will question your investability if you position your startup as having no competition. Focus on demonstrating why perceived competition can't execute in your space or is focused on the wrong customer pain points.

If you are a truly innovative solution in a new category, have the conviction to state this loudly and proudly. Your research and experiences in the space will likely be much greater than the investors you are speaking to. Don't be afraid to project this knowledge with confidence.